Tommy Godwin to Cafe Velo, Beverly

Map of activity "Tommy Godwin to Cafe Velo, Beverly"

  • Distance 329.53km
  • Moving time 12h 40m
  • Speed (avg) 25.9km/h
  • Elevation 1542m
  • Bike Belle
  • Elapsed time 15h 45m
  • Speed (max) 56.5km/h
  • Temperature 14°C

With Hannah and Arran, we took a taste of one day of Tommy Godwin's World Record: cycling 75,065 miles in a year (in 1939!) at an average of 205 miles per day. We cycled from Nottingham to Beverly, passing over the Humber Bridge, and arrived home to Arran and Gill's with a Barbeque.